The voyage leg for Antarctic expedition begins between the months of December- January and is flagged off from Cape Town, South Africa. Since the last four years, the voyage leg is undertaken by a Russian Cargo Vessel MV. Ivan Papanin which offers limited lab space. The contract of the ship is subjected for renewal every couple of years or a new tender will be raised accordingly. Scientific work such as surface water collection, monitoring of ice-bergs, launching of XBT’s to measure ocean water physico-chemical parameters are few of the works that can be carried out on board. The ship also has a smaller boat which can be used for survey and water sampling along the coastal Antarctica. A maximum of 30 scientific crew members can be accommodated on board though this number keeps changing accordingly every year. The ship has a Heli-hangar which accommodates one small helicopter (4/5 seater squirrel) and a Kamov (Russian make) copter. The former is used for conveyance in field in Antarctica while the latter is chiefly used to move heavy cargo from ship to the stations.