The Environmental Rules, 2023

The Indian Antarctic Environmental Protection Rules, 2023

The Indian Antarctic Environmental Protection Rules, 2023 notified in the Gazzette of India by Central Government on 7th August, 2023 (CG-DL-E-08082023-247926, EXTRAORDINARY, PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i), No 463)

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 55 of the Indian Antarctic Act, 2022 (13 of 2022), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely: -
(1) These rules may be called the Indian Antarctic Environmental Protection Rules, 2023.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

Permit Application Form

Any person who is willing to visit Antarctica for scientific, logistics, tourism, or commercial fishing-related activity/ies and part of the Indian Antarctic expedition (except those persons who are not an Indian citizen and obtained authorisation/Permit from another Party to the Protocol but are part of India Antarctic Expedition) needs to submit the applications (Form 1 to Form 3, as applicable):

1. for Indian Expedition to Antarctica/ To Enter /To Stay at Indian Station/s (Form 1)
2. for Entering and Performing Activities in Antarctic Specially Protected Area/ Marine Protected Area (Form 1A)
3. for Mineral Resource Activity (Form 1B)
4. for activities i.e (Form 1C):
       (a) Introduction of Non-Native Animals, Plants or Microscopic Organisms
       (b) Removal or Damage to Native Plants/ Birds/Mammals
       (c) Disturb the Habitat of Native Birds
       (d) Remove Soil or Biological Material
       (e) Collection/Removal of any Other Sample for the Purposes of Scientific Research
5. for Vessel/Aircraft Entering Into Antarctic/ Convention Area (Form 2)

Post Activity Report

Once the Permit is issued by the Committee on Antarctic Governance and Environmental Protection (CAG-EP) to the proponent, he/she should abide by all the conditions mentioned in the Permit issued to perform specified activity/ies. After completing the activity, the proponent has to submit the Post activity report (R1 to R3 as applicable), within three months of completion of the activity in Antarctica. These Post activity report forms are:

(a) On Permit issued for entry, carrying out activities and stay in Antarctica (Form R1)
(b) On Permit issued to enter Antarctic Specially Protected Area/ Marine Protected Area/Historic Site and Monuments (Form R2)
(c) On Permit issued for Fishing/Tourism/Recreational Activity in Antarctica (Ship/Vessel based activity) ((Form R3)