Right To Information Archive

Sl. No. Title File Type File Size Download
1 Quarterly Statement of Domestic Deputations of Director, NCPOR PDF
File Size:-593 KB

Domestic 05072023.PDF

2 Right To Information Act PDF
File Size:-6727 KB

RTI data for website 12022024.PDF

3 Director NCPOR - Recruitment Rules PDF
File Size:-1601 KB

Director NCPOR - Recruitment Rules.PDF

4 Quarterly Statement of Foreign Deputations of Director, NCAOR PDF
File Size:-438 KB

Foreign 05042023.PDF

5 Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee PDF
File Size:-143 KB

Constitution of ICC.PDF

6 Immovable Property Return PDF
File Size:-2037 KB

Immovable Property-17-02-2021.PDF

7 Immovable Property Return PDF
File Size:-1736 KB

immovable property 2017.PDF

8 Details of Domestic official Tours in respect of Director, NCAOR PDF
File Size:-579 KB


9 Details of Foreign Deputations In respect of Director, NCPOR PDF
File Size:-434 KB


10 Quarterly Statement of Domestic Deputations of Director, NCAOR, July 2012 onwards PDF
File Size:-599 KB


11 Quarterly Statement of Foreign Deputations of Director, NCAOR, July 2012 onwards PDF
File Size:-450 KB


12 First Appellate Authority and Central Public Information Officer PDF
File Size:-29 KB