Visit of Ambassador Acquino Vimal and V Venkataraman, Minister (Pol) from the Embassy visited Himadri- Indian research station in Svalbard and met with the members of Indian Arctic Expedition.

Ambassador Acquino Vimal and V Venkataraman, Minister (Pol) from the Embassy visited Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, today and met Indian scientists in Himadri, India's Arctic research station. The scientists gave a presentation on their current  projects and the way they were carrying out their respective research activities. Ambassador and his team also visited the Gruvebadet Atmosphere Laboratory.  Geir Gotaas, Ny Alesund Programme leader and Arnt Rennan, head, NPI Sverdrup and Lars Ole Saugnes, Director of Kings Bay AS also gave a brief presentation on Ny-Alesund Research Station and  the effects of climate change in the Arctic. Ambassador was also shown the  facilities available for the research community in the Station. India is operating the Himadri station since 2008 and has started winter deployments at the station since December 2023.