Non-Native Species

Fundamental to the protection of the Antarctic environment are measures to prevent the inadvertent introduction of non-native species.  Introduced species and diseases could significantly damage Antarctic ecosystems.  Visitors can minimize the transport of non-sterile soil and insects, spores, seeds, eggs, and other propagules by carefully checking imported fresh foods and cleaning clothing, footwear, scientific equipment, cargo, and vehicles used in Antarctica.  The Committee for Environmental (CEP), the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP), has produced biosecurity guidelines for supply chain managers, and the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) has produced guidelines for boat, clothing and equipment decontamination appropriate for small boat landing operations.


Rats are one of the most widespread and invasive introduced species worldwide and are present at all departure points for Antarctica.  Special care must be taken to avoid their introduction to Antarctica and other rat-free areas in the region.  Where applicable, vessels must have valid Ship Sanitation Certificates.  Other recommended measures may include rat guards on mooring lines, deployment of bait stations and regular ship inspections.


Other than registered assistance, dogs, no live animals should be intentionally carried on any vessel visiting Antarctica. Dogs are not permitted to land within the Antarctic Treaty area.


Expedition members (Logistics and Scientific personnel) and visitors are requested to read the following information and Guidelines on prevention of introduction of Non-Native-Species (NNS) before packing the bag, instruments and food and entering the Antarctic area. Each expedition member must strictly follow the guideline and take all necessary precautionary measures to control the introduction of NNS to Antarctica.


For any further information, don't hesitate to get in touch with

Director-NCPOR( or


Environmental Officer ( or


Guidelines and Pamphlets on NNS


      IAATO – Boot Clothing and Equipment Decontamination Guideline

     SCAR-COMNAP-Intercontinental Checklist for Supply Managers

     COMNAP – Cheklist for Supply Chain Managers

         COMNAP-SCAR_Checklist for Supply Chain Managers_Poster

     ASOC - Know Before you Go – Pamphlet

     USAP-Do Not Pack a Pest brochure

     How to Clean Gears to avoid Introduction of NNS to Antarctica

     SCAR-Reducing non-native species introductions associated with fresh fruit and vegetable