Paleoclimate Project Publications

  • Rahul Mohan and M.Sudhakar (2007) Dakshinee mahasagar bhartiyea shetrey mei coccolith  key adhyaan kaa mahatav. In a Book (Ed.)Manjula Mehta: Antarctic Abhiyan (Rajat Jayanti), Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi, pp.96-103.
  • Mohan, Rahul., Lina P. Mergulhao,M V S Guptha, A.Rajakumar, M, Thamban., Anilkumar, N., Sudhakar, M., Ravindra, R. (2008). Ecology of coccolithophores in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Marine Micropaleontology: Volume 67, Issues 1-2, April 2008, Pages 30-45, doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2007.08.005. [IF : 2.32].
  • Rahul Mohan, Ravi Mishra, M.Sudhakar and Rasik Ravindra (2008) Dakshinee mahasagar key Hind Shetrey mey aadhunik coccolithophoro kaa vitran avem mahasagariya paaristhitiki. Samundrika (GSI), vol.13-14 p.31-35 [ In Hindi ].
  • R. Mohan, S. K. Shukla, S. M. Patil, S. S. Shetye, K. Kerkar and R. Ravindra. 2011. Diatoms from surface sediments of Enderby Basin of Indian Sector of Southern Ocean. Journal of Geological Society of India. Vol.78, pp.36-44. [IF : 0.4]
  • Mohan, Rahul., Shukla S. Anilkumar, N., Sudhakar, M., Prakash S. Ramesh, R. (2009). Relative microalgal concentration in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica during Late austral summer 2006. Algae 24 (3):139-147.
  • Shukla, S. K., R. Mohan, M.Sudhakar (2009). Diatoms: a potential tool to understand past oceanographic settings. Current Science, 97(12): 1726-1734. [IF 0.78]
  • Suhas S. Shetye, R. Mohan, S. K. Shukla, M. Sudhakar and R. Ravindra 2011. Variability of Nonionellina labradorica Dawson in surface sediments from Kongsfjorden, West Spitsbergen. Acta Geologica Sinica. Vol. 85(3) pp. 801–840. [IF : 1.4]
  • R. Mohan, S. K. Shukla, S. M. Patil, Suhas S. Shetye, K. Kerkar and R. Ravindra 2011. Diatom Morphometry and its application in deciphering past cclimatic changes. Gondwana Geological Society.
  • Rahul Mohan, Anayat A. Quarshi, Thamban Meloth and M. Sudhakar 2011. Diatoms from the surface waters of the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2004. CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 100, NO. 9, 10.  [IF : 0.78]
  • Rasik Ravindra and Rahul Mohan (2011) Three decades of polar science in India. Vol.78, pp.5-6.
  • Suhas S. Shetye, M. Sudhakar, R. Ramesh, R. Mohan, Shramik Patil, Amzad Laskar 2012. Sea surface pCO2 in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean during austral summer of 2009. Advances in Geosciences (world scientific publisher).
  • N. Gandhi, R. Ramesh, A. H. Laskar, M. S. Sheshshayee, Suhas S. Shetye, N. Anilkumar, Shramik M. Patil, Rahul Mohan 2012. Zonal variability in productivity and nitrogen uptake rates in the southwestern Indian Ocean and Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Research I 67: 32-43. .  [IF : 2.3]
  • Shramik Patil, Rahul Mohan, Suhas S. Shetye, Sahina Gazi. Diatom abundance and community structure at the Antarctic Polar Frontal Region during austral summer of 2009. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (in press). .  [IF : 0.5]