2011: D.Sc. in Environmental Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan.
2005: Ph.D. in Marine Sciences, Berhampur University/ CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO).
1998: M.Sc. in Marine Biology, Berhampur University (2nd Rank)
2017: INSA grant for XII SCAR-Biology Symposium.
2008: Outstanding poster presentation award in the PORSEC-2008.
2005: Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho/MEXT) Fellowship.
2004: NF-POGO Fellowship for visiting professor's training at CSIR-NIO, Kochi.
2003: CSIR-SRF.
1993: National Merit Scholarship.
2021: Scientist-F, ESSO-NCPOR, MoES, Goa.
2016: Scientist-E, ESSO-NCPOR, MoES, Goa.
2011: Scientist-D, ESSO-NCPOR, MoES, Goa.
2011: Post Doctoral Fellow at ISEE, Nagoya University, Japan.
2005: Research Student at Nagasaki University & Nagoya University, Japan.
2003: Senior Research Fellow at CSIR-NIO, RC, Visakhapatnam.
2001: Field Biologist at WII, MoEF-CC, Dehradun.
1999: Research Fellow at CSIR-NIO, RC, Visakhapatnam.