Careers Archive

Sl. No. Advt. No. Description Release Date Last Date Download
1 NCPOR/12/2022

Result of screening in & schedule of interview - Medical Officer 

2022-08-08 2022-08-17 Result Screenin in and Interview Schedule 42ISEA Medical Officer.PDF
2 NCPOR/10/2022

Recruitment for the post of Project Scientist I/II/III/ Project Scientific Assistant /Officer (F&A/P&S)/Exe. Assistant (Admin/F&A/P&S)


To Apply  :  Click Here 

2022-08-01 2022-08-30 NCPOR_Advt_2022.PDF
3 NCPOR/09/22

List of shortlisted candidates for various post of Logistics personnel on contract basis for 42-ISEA

2022-07-25 2022-08-25 Result_42ISEA_Rev_13-09-2022.PDF
4 NCPOR/11/2022

Application for the Post of Administrative Officer/ Joint Manager (Admn)

2022-07-15 2022-08-30 Administrative Officer Advt No NCPOR 11 2022.PDF
5 NCPOR/12/2022

Application invited for Medical Doctors - 42 ISEA

2022-07-07 2022-08-01 Annexure B Medical Doctors Advertisment.PDF
Annexure C Application form.PDF
Application form.DOCX
6 NCPOR/07/2022

Result - Shipboard Assistant 

2022-06-28 2022-07-28 Result of SBA.PDF
7 NCPOR/09/22

WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for logistics personal for 42 ISEA

2022-06-22 2022-07-22 42-ISEA detail_Logistics personnel Advertisement _20220620.PDF
8 NCPOR/07/2022

Walk-in-Interview for Shipboard Assistant

2022-06-03 2022-06-22 Shipboard Assistant advt.PDF
9 NCPOR/09/2021

List of selected candidates 

2022-03-24 2022-04-24 Notice 24032022.PDF
10 NCPOR/09/2021

Recruitment for the post of Project Scientist I/II/III/ Project Scientific Assistant / Officer (Admin/F&A/P&S)/Ex Assistant (Admin/F&A/P&S) advertised vide No. NCPOR/09/2021 stands cancelled due to administrative reasons.

2021-12-15 2022-01-15 Notice 15Dec2021.PDF
11 NCPOR/17/2021

List of Screened-in  candidates for the post of Consultant & Sr. Consultant 

2021-11-23 2021-12-23 List of Screenedin candidates for the post of Consultant SrConsultant 23 Nov 21.PDF
12 NCPOR/18/2021

Walk-in-Interview for the Post of Junior Research Fellow on temporary contract basis

2021-11-18 2021-12-13 DBT JRF Advt 18 Nov 21.PDF
13 NCPOR/17/2021

List of screened- in candidates for the post of Consultant &  Sr. Consultant

2021-11-17 2021-12-16 Screening criteria IISF 17 Nov21.PDF
14 NCPOR/17/2021

Pre-registered online interview for recruitment of Sr. Consultant and Consultant for IISF 2021

2021-11-09 2021-11-15 Consultant for IISF 9 Nov 21.PDF
Application Format 09 Nov 21.PDF
15 NCPOR/09/2021

Interview call letter Project Scientist - II  & I 

2021-11-02 2021-12-02 11 Nov 21 call letter.PDF
12 Nov 21 Call letter.PDF
15 Nov 21 call letter.PDF
16 Nov 21 call letter.PDF
16 NCPOR/09/2021

list of Screened in candidates for the post of Project Scientist II (PS-II-9,10,11,12,13 ) Project Scientist -I (PS-I-7,8,9,10,11,12,13, 14,15, 16, 17 &18 ) 

2021-10-26 2021-11-26 List of Screened in candidates for the post of O-SMART.PDF
17 NCPOR/09/2021

Interview call letter Project Scientist - II & I (PS-II- 20 / PS-I-35 /PS-I-36), Project Scientist -I (PS-I-41/PS-I-42) Project Scientist –II (PS-II-19/PS-II-21) Project Scientist –III (PS-III-3) , Project Scientist - I (PS-I-34/ PS-I-39 / PS-I-40), Project Scientist - II & Project Scientist - I (PS-I-27/ PS-I-28 / PS-II-16), Project Scientist - II & Project Scientist - I (PS-I-37/ PS-I-38 / PS-II-18)

2021-10-12 2021-11-12 Interview call letter 18 Oct 2021.PDF
Interview call letter 20 Oct 2021.PDF
Interview call letter 21 Oct 2021.PDF
Interview call letter 22 Oct 2021.PDF
Interview call letter 23 Oct 2021.PDF
18 NCPOR/09/2021

Interview call letter of Project Scientist - II  & I  ( PS-II- 15 /  PS-I-19  & 20 )  / Interview call letter of  Project Scientist -I (PS-I-21,22,23,25) and Interview call letter of Project Scientist -II & I (PS-II-14 / PS-I-24 & 26) 

2021-10-06 2021-11-06 Interview Call letter on 13 Oct.PDF
Interview Call letter on 14 Oct.PDF
Interview Call letter on 16 Oct.PDF
19 NCPOR/09/2021

Interview call letter of Project Scientist - II  & I  ( PS-II- 17 /  PS-I-29, 30 & 33) & Project Scientist -I (PS-I-31 & 32)

2021-10-05 2021-11-05 Interview call letter PS- II-17 PS-I-29 30 33 on 11 Oct 2021.PDF
Interview call letter PS-I- 31 32 on 12 Oct 2021.PDF
20 NCPOR/09/2021

List of screened- in candidates for the post of  Project Scientist -III (PS-III-3)  Project Scientist II (PS-II-14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, ) Project Scientist -I (PS-I-19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27, 28,29, 30, 31, 32, 33,34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 ) 

2021-10-04 2021-11-04 List of Screened in candidates for the post of PACER 04102021.PDF
21 NCPOR/21/2020

Recruitment process cancelled for the post of Coordinator Grade-IV  

2021-09-30 2021-10-30 Notice 30.09
22 NCPOR/09/2021

Interview call letter of Project Scientist - I, II  & III  ( PS-I- 1, 2 & 3 /  PS-II-1, 2 & 3 / PS-III-1)

2021-09-23 2021-10-23 Interview call letter I II & III.PDF
23 NCPOR/09/2021

Interview call letter of Project Scientist -III & II (PS-III-2 & PS-II-4, 5, 6& 7)

2021-09-20 2021-10-20 Interview call letter PS -III & II.PDF
24 NCPOR/09/2021

List of Screened in candidates for the post of Project Scientist -III (PS-III-1) (PS-III-2)  Project Scientist II (PS-II-1,  2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) Project Scientist -I (PS-I-1, 2,3)

2021-09-17 2021-10-17 List of Screened in candidates for the post of Project Sci I II III PACER Southern Ocean and Indian Arctic Programme.PDF
25 NCPOR/09/2021

Interview call letter of Project Scientist -I & II and Officer (F&A) (P&S) & (Admin/Gen Admn/Gen Service)

2021-09-07 2021-09-19 Inteview call letter Project Scientist I (PS -I -4 5 &6 & Project Scientist -II (PS-II-8).PDF
Inteview call letter for Officer (OFA-01&02 OPS-03&04 OAGS-05.PDF
26 NCPOR/09/2021

Screened in candidates for the post of Officer(F&A) /(P&S)/(Admin) 

2021-09-03 2021-10-03 List of screened in candidates for the post of Officer (F&A) (P&S) (Admin).PDF
27 NCPOR/13/2021

Result of online interview for selection of Medical Officer for 41st ISEA

2021-09-02 2021-10-02 Result _Medical Officer Interview 41ISEA.PDF
28 NCPOR/09/2021

List of Screened In candidates for the post of Project Scientist -I & II (Post Code:PS-I-4&5, PS-I-6 & PS-II-8)

2021-09-01 2021-10-01 List of Screened in candidates for the post of Project Sci I & II.PDF
29 NCPOR/11/2021

Candidates provisionally shortlisted for 41 Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica ( 41-ISEA)

2021-08-31 2021-10-01 41 ISEA Shortlisted Candidates list R.PDF
30 NCPOR/13/2021

Shortlisted candidates for the Post of Medical Officer for 41-ISEA  & Schedule for online interview 

2021-08-19 2021-09-19 Shortlisted candidates for medical officer 41-ISEA.PDF
Schedule for interview Medical officer.PDF