News Archive

Sl. No Title Publish Date
1 Re-naming of NCAOR, Goa to NCPOR, Goa 18-10-2018
2 Abstract volume of the recently completed IODP SPADE Workshop 26-09-2018
4 The 4th India International Science Festival (IISF) 2018 07-08-2018
5 Dr M Ravichandran, Director, ESSO-NCAOR has been elected as Vice President of Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research 29-06-2018
6 WALK-IN- INTERVIEW for Medical Doctors 12-06-2018
7 International Interdisciplinary PhD and Post-Doc Winter School (IAWS-2018) at ESSO-NCAOR, Goa during 28 Oct to 2 Nov 2018. 01-06-2018
8 Admit Card for written examination for contract posts of Executive Assistants 23-05-2018
9 Scientific Reports of Indian Expedition to Antarctica 18-05-2018
10 Bibliography-Contributions of Indian Reseachers in Antarctica 14-05-2018
11 Online Application invited for the various post of Scientist - D, Manager and Junior Hindi Translator on regular basis. 21-04-2018
12 Workshop on "The Art and Craft of Media Outreach" By Mr. Peter Spinks on 12, 13 and 16th of April 2018 from 1000 Hrs to 1600 Hrs at NCAOR Seminar Hall. 11-04-2018
13 NCAOR Foundation Day Lecture "Indian Astronomy in the 21st Century" by Dr. Somak Raychaudhury, Director, IUCAA, Pune on 5th April 2018. 02-04-2018
14 Demise of Shri. Subhajit Sen - Member 37th ISEA 27-03-2018
15 List of shortlisted candidates for Summer Internship at NCAOR 20-03-2018