Sl. No. | Tender No | Description | Download | Release Date | Closing Date |
1 | GEM/2024/B/4451048 | OSG-082 / Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles |
Bid-Remotely_OUV_10012024.PDF |
10-01-2024 | 31-01-2024 |
2 | GEM/2023/B/4413599 | DST-056 Hot plate with magnetic stirrer. Note: |
DST-0563599-NR_09012024.PDF |
09-01-2024 | 12-02-2024 |
3 | NCPOR/03/2024 | REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) Services for Integrated Solution for Information, Communication, and Audio-Visual Platform, Including Equipment and Personnel for the International Meetings, 46 th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and 26 th Committee for Environmental Protection. For any queries email:
Due to a declared holiday, the Tender Opening (NCPOR/03/2024) of RFP-1 Services for an Integrated Solution for Information, Communication, and Audio-Visual Platform, including Equipment and Personnel for the 46th ATCM, has been scheduled on 23 January 2024 at 4:00 PM. Interested bidders are invited for the same. |
RFP-1 NCPOR 03 2024 IT and AV_05012024.PDF |
05-01-2024 | 23-01-2024 |
4 | GEM/2023/B/4373603 | HSS-333 Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer.
THIS BID CANCELLED !!! - Click Here |
HSS-333 Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer-3603-NR.PDF |
04-01-2024 | 29-01-2024 |
5 | GEM/2023/B/4395269 | Digital Notice Board Solution Software |
PR-1687 Digital Notice Board Solution Software_29122023.PDF |
29-12-2023 | 19-01-2024 |
6 | NCPOR/19/2023 |
Corrigendum for request for proposal for outsourcing NCPOR’s Outreach and Social Media Management Services. For any queries email: |
Corrigendum_bankdetails_RFP.PDF |
27-12-2023 | 01-01-2024 |
7 | GEM/2023/B/4290541 | Tender for CAMC for Fire Extinguishers, Fire Hydrant and Sprinkler Systems. |
GeM-Bidding-5685917 (8).PDF |
22-12-2023 | 12-01-2024 |
8 | GEM/2023/B/4374021 | PR-1684 - Cartridges for Kyocera Printer |
Bid- Cartridges for Kyocera Printer.PDF |
21-12-2023 | 05-01-2024 |
9 | GEM/2023/B/4348030 | PR-1685 - Plain Copier Paper (A4 size) |
Bid-Plain Copier Paper-A4 size_19122023.PDF |
19-12-2023 | 03-01-2024 |
10 | NCPOR/19/2023 | Request for proposal for outsourcing NCPOR’s Outreach and Social Media Management Services. For any queries email: |
Final RFP - Hiring for Social Media managment.PDF Corrigendum_bankdetails_RFP.PDF |
18-12-2023 | 01-01-2024 |
11 | NCPOR/VOM/12032/1/2023 | Tender for Dry Dock and Afloat Repairs of Research Vessel – ORV Sagar Kanya. |
Final Corrigendum ORV SK-DD prebid.PDF Corrigendum 2 - Reply to HSL Additional queries.PDF |
15-12-2023 | 08-01-2024 |
12 | RFPII/NCPOR/15/2023 | Request for proposal (RFP) for hiring Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) for XLVI Antarctic treaty consultative meeting and XXVI committee for environmental protection Kochi, Kerala | May 20-30, 2024. For any queries email: A Pre-bid Meeting for clarification: A pre-bid meeting for clarification regarding the RFP-2 for the hiring of a PCO for 46ATCM has been scheduled for January 12, 2024, at 03:15 PM. This meeting aims to provide clarity on the proposal. Interested Parties may connect and attend the same from the given link. Friday, January 12, 2024, 3:15 PM | 3 hours | (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi Meeting number: 2515 521 9921 Password: iJXThxXt987 |
document.PDF Response to Pre-bid Clarification Meeting _ NCPOR15 2023-RFP II PCO.PDF CORRIGENDUM_ NCPOR15 2023-RFP II PCO.PDF ADDENDUM_ NCPOR15 2023-RFP II PCO.PDF EMD Declaration_ NCPOR15 2023-RFP II PCO.PDF |
11-12-2023 | 22-01-2024 |
13 | GEM/2023/B/4243974 | Tender for Lead Acid Batteries for Motor Vehicles with Light Weight and High Cranking Performance as per IS 14257:2019 (Q3) |
LAB-3727 Lead Acid Battery.PDF |
23-11-2023 | 14-12-2023 |
14 | GEM/2023/B/4207611 | Tender for Test Sieves as per IS 460 (Part 1 and Part 2) (Q3). |
HSS-344 Test Sieve.PDF |
23-11-2023 | 14-12-2023 |
15 | GEM/2023/B/4237121 | Custom Bid for Services - Deployment and Recovery of Passive Ocean Bottom Seismometers in the Indian Ocean |
GeM-Bidding-5627385.PDF |
23-11-2023 | 05-12-2023 |
16 | GEM/2023/B/4233426 | Arctic-550 / Cartridges for HP Printers |
Bid-Cartridges for HP Printers.PDF |
22-11-2023 | 06-12-2023 |
17 | NCPOR/VOM/12032/1/2023 | Tender for Dry Dock and Afloat Repairs of research vessel – ORV Sagar Kanya. |
SKDD Tender_Doc.PDF SK-DD workscope_Annexure I.DOC Final Corrigendum ORV SK-DD prebid.PDF Corrigendum 2 - Reply to HSL Additional queries.PDF |
17-11-2023 | 08-01-2024 |
18 | GEM/2023/B/4191358 | DST-051 Syringe
THIS BID CANCELLED !!! - Click Here |
DST-051 Syringe-NR-1358.PDF |
10-11-2023 | 26-12-2023 |
19 | GEM/2023/B/4169489 | AES-11926 - Video Conferencing System with Licenses and Accessories |
Bid-Video Conferencing System with Licenses and Accessories.PDF |
08-11-2023 | 15-01-2024 |
20 | NCPOR/PS/HSS-342/GT-10 | Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Testing of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer(ICP-MS) |
tender_hssgt10_090524.PDF Corrigendum HSS-342-GT-10.PDF Corrigendum_201223.PDF Corrigendum_090524.PDF |
02-11-2023 | 08-01-2024 |
21 | NCPOR/DSEM/SC/23 | Corrigendum of, Tender for time charter of Ice Class Oceanographic Research Vessel. |
Corrigendum - Ice class RV 02-11-23.DOCX Corrigendum - Ice class RV 08-11-23.DOCX Corrigendum - Ice class RV 16-11-23.DOCX Corrigendum - Ice class RV 30-11-23.DOCX |
02-11-2023 | 11-12-2023 |
22 | GEM/2023/B/4151646 | AES-11923 - 12TB Portable External Hard Disk (Wired Power) |
Bid - 12TB Portable External Hard Disk (Wired Power).PDF |
31-10-2023 | 15-11-2023 |
23 | GEM/2023/B/4073904 | SOE-50760 Vortex Mixer |
SOE-50760 Vortex Mixer-3904-LR.PDF |
30-10-2023 | 13-12-2023 |
Tender Document for LAB-3768.PDF |
30-10-2023 | 28-11-2023 |
25 | NCPOR/14/2023 | Request for proposal of services for Integrated Solution for Information, Communication, and Audio-Visual Platform, Including Equipment and Personnel, for the international For any queries email: |
NCPOR-14-2023.PDF Amended revised RFP.PDF Addendum-9-12-23.PDF Annexure 2-NCPOR RFP EMD declaration.PDF |
26-10-2023 | 20-12-2023 |
26 | GEM/2023/B/4135371 | PR-1683/ Telephone Set with ID Caller |
Bid - PR- 1683 Telephone Set with ID Caller.PDF |
26-10-2023 | 16-11-2023 |
27 | GEM/2023/B/4117485 | HSS-343 REEFER CONTAINER |
25-10-2023 | 13-11-2023 |
28 | NCPOR/Estate Section/ET-01/2023-24 | Restructuring & Reconstruction of Metal Free Clean Laboratory at NCPOR
Corrigedum.PDF |
20-10-2023 | 20-11-2023 |
CORRIGENDUM for Date extension HSS-336-GT-06.PDF Corrigendum for Technical SpecificationTender No. NCPOR-PS-HSS-336-GT-06 |
18-10-2023 | 18-11-2023 |
30 | NCPOR/DSEM/SC/23 | Tender for time charter of Ice Class Oceanographic Research Vessel. |
Global Tender No NCPOR DSEM SC 23 Time chartering of Ice class oceanographic research veseel.PDF Corrigendum - Ice class RV 02-11-23.DOCX Corrigendum - Ice class RV 08-11-23.DOCX Corrigendum - Ice class RV 16-11-23.DOCX Corrigendum - Ice class RV 30-11-23.DOCX |
13-10-2023 | 11-12-2023 |